Who Are We?

Our team has over twenty years of experience in providing and managing care to the elderly and those with complex care needs. Equally important is our significant experience developing mission critical, highly secure, enterprise class IT solutions. We feel your pain because we have experienced it ourselves. We understand the very real issues of managing and retaining staff, and the increasing responsibilities of those who manage care to deliver high-quality, cost-effective care, and of course, dealing with all the paperwork and information that comes with this workload. Our unique mix of skills and background helped us deliver an affordable solution. Get in touch to see how Alphicare can help you improve quality.

Our Unique Approach

We care about care. There are some great new features which help to improve the quality of care delivered. With minimal outlay, Alphicare helps drive efficiency using an easy, reliable and accurate solution. Alphicare has been designed by experienced care professionals who are passionate about care.

Our Commitment

We want to give care teams relevant information to make better Point-of-Care decisions. We want to equip care administrators and managers with the information they need to support their teams. We want to help all those involved in the provision of care, so their daily routines are easier leaving them more time to do what they do best.

Alphicare care management system is easy to use with minimal training and care staff can usually use the system within minutes.

Helping you deliver quality care.